Meet the guilty parties of M10 – Vol 10

Dražen Banović – Bike mechanic

Dražen is another Meridien Ten member from Split. He is happily married and has two kids. His profession is mechanical engineer and combining long time passion for cycling he became a superb bike mechanic. Besides this, love for music took him to the world of hi-fi and attraction to design and mechanical functionality made him an “Alfista“ – a proud owner of beautiful Italian Alfa Romeo cars. Alfa Romeo 75 Evo, an amazing “machine“, who’s roaring can still be heard on the streets of Mediterranean cities, has a special place in his heart!!

attention to detail

Attention to detail…

All these Dražen’s skills are also accompanied with carpentry since he is often asked by sailors to cover their boats’ decks with teak wood or maybe to do some quick fixes in wood.

office tulum

At the office – with gluten free cake…

Since 2007, the bike fleet of Meridien Ten grows every year. As our storage place became to small we have now started to use Drazen’s garage, so you won’t see him much in our office, but he is another “behind the scenes person “ and very important link for the success of Meridien Ten tours. Without proper working hours (“what has to be done has to be done”) Dražen enjoys his morning coffee before he gets his hands dirty..


Always with the smile on his face Dražen prepares the bikes for our tours and rentals!

Drazen Banovic

bike rental

Preparing the hybrids for the tour

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