If you search the web for the guided bike tours in Croatia, you will find at least 50 different tour companies offering their services in the area. And most of these companies have very good (if not excellent) products, with many years of experience in the adventure business. They have great web sites, great customer service and simply said these are great companies to use for your active holidays. There are differences between the various tours such as type of accommodation, van or no van support, number of guides on tour, number of guests per each departure and more… These differences are visible on various websites offering bike tours in Croatia.
What is it about Croatia that attracts more and more visitors who are looking for an activity while they are on holidays? Is Croatia going to become a new Tuscany, Provence, French Alps or maybe Burgundy?
Well, over here in Croatia we have it all: picturesque and quiet roads, beautiful islands ideal for Island hopping, ancient villages with laid back atmosphere, great cuisine, great local wines, proper climbs which can compare to Mt. Ventoux and much more.
So why would you choose Meridien Ten for your next holiday? What sets apart Meridien Ten from other 50 tour companies offering more or less same bike tour?
Since the very beginning our idea was (and still is) to provide real experience, to give you the chance to meet the real people, try local food… simply said to make sure you go back home from your holidays enriched by the experience you have received by visiting Croatia.
We are small (family owed) company with 15 (and more) years of experience in adventure tourism and focus on quality rather than quantity! Therefore, you will never see on our website many departure dates for our guided tour. We do make the living from this work, but we do not want to become a booking engine site. We are real and provide real experiences!
How Meridien Ten team sees travel business is quite simple – each of our guests has to be treated as we would like to be treated when on holidays in a new and unknown destination. Meridien Ten is striving to provide unique experiences, carefree holidays that recharge and refresh, and provide our travellers with memories from Croatia that will last forever. We are aware holidays are probably most important part of the year in the modern world, where one works from the morning till the evening… as we do as well…
Being travellers ourselves, we always seek to discover local culture wherever we travel. On our tours, we do encourage and help to obtain the local “touch”, whether it is quick chat with your chef who just prepared fantastic dinner for you, your guides showing you where they went to school, where they were going out for their first dates, talk with the locals about island life, their winters, learning about island trademarks and much more.. Simply said, our guests are treated as they are our friends and we strive to show them the most beautiful and interesting parts of Croatia, in a professional and our way!
When choosing guides who lead our tours, besides professionalism, we are always looking for the ones who share our passion for authentic values and beauties of Croatia. Can you experience this by non-Croatian leading a bike tour in Croatia? How will he describe what it means when you say “pomalo” to someone?
Our tour leaders have to follow daily procedures. Same as all other tour leaders (talking about the other 50 bike touring companies). On our Dalmatian coast classic tour, we will never have huge number of guests on the same departure date and this gives our guides opportunity to be flexible and add a little bit of their flavour to the tour; whether it is the search for the ancestors in the village of Pučišća on Island Brac, unexpected hiking tour on Island Korcula, inform you about the traditions and lifestyle or help to obtain gifts and souvenirs from distant locations, our guides will show you our culture and provide personal service to each client!
Hopefully this was enough information to choose Meridien Ten as your choice if you are looking for a bike tour in Croatia?
If you are still not sure what is your next holiday destination, here are few links which should help you to make up your mind and decide for Croatia;
What to expect from cycling in Croatia
Meet Meridien Ten guides: Mijo, Silvija, Toni, Tomo, Ante, Andro
What is it all about – The Mediterranean diet
Discover Konoba – the symbol of Dalmatia
Island Hvar and story of Lavender
Bike routes and wines of Peljesac
Our guests: Sara and Nicole about M10